I would like to start off by saying that I ultimately liked the book. Quinlan Vos is my favorite Jedi so the fact that he was added back to the canon in such a big way was great. The book includes a great deal of mystery and unexpected events.
It seemed like the story was trying to blend Ventress’ and Vos’ Dark Horse stories together with Khaleen being replaced with Ventress. Ultimately I liked the change as Khaleen was kind of one dimensional and never really understood why Vos fell for her.
They brought Ventress’ origin back into the canon which was cool. I also liked her character in this novel and the relationship she has with Quinlan is one to remember.
I am about to go into a few of the disappointments with the novel, but again, I would like to remind you I did like the book and am glad it came out. It will include a lot of spoilers so beware.
My biggest problem with the story was the lack of struggle found in the Dark Horse story. I never felt any sense that Quinlan was struggling between light and dark at all. He was either one or the other with no in between. He went from Jedi Master who was having feelings he could not identify for Ventress to abandoning the Jedi Order and wanting to live the rest of his life with her in about the span of one paragraph.
I really felt like Vos was a victim of his emotions in the novel. He had zero control. In the Dark Horse story, he was constantly struggling with how far was too far and inched his way to the Dark side and back, but in this novel it really seemed like he abandoned the Light side the second he touched the Dark side and just did whatever anyone told him. It did not seem like he was a Jedi Master, more like a Jedi Knight or a Padawan.
Another piece that is almost laughable is a topic I joke about any time I read about a Jedi falling in love. They really should tell Jedi the truth about why Jedi should not fall in love. It is not about attachment, it is because someone WILL DIE. I have read many Star Wars novels and it is an instant death sentence for someone as soon as they confess feelings for anyone in a romantic way.
Sadly, there was one exception to this rule up until now. Quinlan Vos and Khaleen got a happily ever after… but like Disney fixed Sleeping Beauty’s parents (being the only Disney Princess with living parents) in Malificent, Disney has now fixed Vos’ happily ever after.
Seriously guys, you cannot find another way to end a relationship without killing one of them? Let’s change it up every once in a while, okay?