I think I weird people out because I am a democrat but outspokenly against abortion. I am not the only one. When people hear Democrat or Republican, they immediately put them in boxes of every stereo typical view point of that party. I, personally, have an issue with anyone that agrees 100% of the time with any political party. I tend to believe that means they have their views because of their political party, not having their own views that prompts them to vote for a certain party.
This is how it works with me. It is similar to why I like Google. I stand behind and support Google because Google shares technological visions I have. Google does not dictate what I want from technology, they just happen to align with what I want from technology.
For me the Democratic party is similar. I have my ideas of politics and the democratic party aligns better with them than the Republican party.
On the issue of abortion, I believe the Republican party has struggled to yield results. Abortion numbers go up during Republican terms and I believe it is because of their "trickle down" economics which end up being hard on the lower and middle class (because people are greedy). On top of that, they tend to vote for tougher welfare restrictions which adds even more burden onto the poor. During George W. Bush's administration, the Republican party dominated the senate, the supreme court, and the presidency and yet did nothing to over turn the Roe vs Wade decision. They can say all they want about abortion but actions speak louder than words.
The biggest decrease in abortion in the past 50 years came during the years 2008-2011 (according to the Guttmatcher Institutes research) as the economy recovered from the train wreck that was the end of the Bush administration. Which is something I do not believe the Republican party understands. The economy makes the biggest difference in abortion rates. When we help the poor, we decrease people's desire to have abortion.
Making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. They will continue, they will just be done in secret or else where. Women will commit suicide and a host of other alternatives. Making abortion illegal is fighting the symptom, not the disease.
The disease is poverty. That is why I am strongly for a welfare system. That is why I am strongly for a government health care system. That is why I am strongly for a higher minimum wages. Let the CEOs take a pay cut every now and then. "Trickle down" economics has left us with CEOs continuing to be paid higher percentages and average employees getting less. It DOES NOT trickle down. We NEED to help the poor and let it trickle up.
In the end, it seems to me like the Republican party is focused on the letter of the Law while missing the spirit of the Law. To me, the Democrats are following the spirit of the Law and seeking the end result of a better standard of living for the poor and middle class which reaps the rewards of lower abortions rates and lower crime rates.
Enforcing a law will not reap what we want. Punishing offenders will not reap what we want. When Jesus came, he went straight for the poor and needy, eating with sinners, thieves and prostitutes. Because the well do not need a doctor, the sick do. For me, the Democratic party aligns with this view better than the Republican party.
I do not agree with everything the Democratic party does, but I believe they can make a bigger difference in the things I care about than the Republican party.
Planned Parenthood for example. I believe the Republican plan for defunding Planned Parenthood and giving those funds to the community health centers which do way more for women's health than Planned Parenthood should be passed. Planned Parenthood does not do mamograms and many other basic women's health treatments yet takes 46% of the budget. Why is it such a bad plan to give that funding to the community health centers that do way more women's health care than Planned Parenthood?
We need to stop thinking of issues as a Democratic or Republican agenda and think for ourselves. Think through your issues and consider the result you want and pick the party that will get the results you want and not the one that says nice words you agree with. Words mean little, results matter.
I am prolife and every life in the womb matters, but I do not want abortion to be punished, I want people to stop wanting abortions. That is why I am voting Democrat.