You know an Amendment is going the right direction when the people who don't care about you are pumping millions of dollars into a campaign to stop it. When you see anything that says "Vote No on Amendment 69" you can rest assured that it has been paid for by the insurance companies who enjoy ripping you off.
As I have pointed out before, the practices of insurance companies makes it clear they know they have your business and will rip you and the company you work for off as much as they can legally get away with. They do not care about your health and well being and would much rather reject your claims than approve them.
Those same companies are pouring millions into anti-ColoradoCare ads.
Why are they so opposed to it? Well, they would not be able to steal your money anymore. We, as a state, would be in control of our health care, not the corporations seeking only to increase their profit margins from one quarter to the next. We would be able to make health care decisions based on what our state wants and not what those trying to get our money want.
Insurance companies make decisions based on what will increase their profits in the short term. These short sighted goals leave customers being thrown under the bus so that share holders can shake their heads in approval because they increased their profits 3%.
Taking decision making out of their hands and putting it in the hands of the state means our needs will be met over any other goals. We get to decided how our coverage works. We get to decide where our care comes from.
Vote "Yes" on Amendment 69!