The best line I hear continuously from skeptics that makes me smile in delight every time it is said is this. "I bet you still believe in Santa Claus, don't you?" It just makes me giddy, because they believe they have made some huge point, but in reality, it's the reverse and they have exposed their lack of research on the topic.
I still believe in Santa Claus as much as I believe in Christopher Columbus or Joan of Arc. Saint Nicholas lived in the 4th century and was the bishop of Myra. Later he may have wore a red robe and red hat as that was the common attire for bishops of the time. He lived a pretty exciting life of service to God as he inherited great riches after the death of his parents at a young age. He then, inspired by the story of the rich young man, decided to give away his wealth the needy. And he spent years doing so eventually leaving himself with no money at all.
The tale goes on and anyone interested in the topic, I highly recommend researching his true story as he played a role in the Council of Nicea and major events in early church history and even stuff after his death. I have found a wealth of knowledge from the St. Nicholas Center (there is one for adults too).
What I love about the parallel is that it shows what research can reveal. I have heard many times that any one who does even a cursory examination of his story will say it is fake. That is true for both Santa Claus and Jesus. But the thing they share in common is that if you take the time and do an in depth research on the topic, one will find that not only is it true, but the truth is much more exciting than the myth.
So yes, I do still believe in Santa Claus and it's because of the historical evidence surrounding the person that I believe in him. And yes, I do believe Jesus was resurrected for the same reason. The historical evidence is there and it is very clear.
My next question is normally, "do you always deny the existence of historical figures because you know so little about them?"
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