When I read about the new law, I felt initially that it's sad that a law like this needs to exist and I was sad for the people that are going to abuse it.
When people started suing businesses for not participating in gay marriage I definitely felt like they were infringing on their freedom of religion. But this new law includes not serving them at a restaurant. To me that is certainly not a biblical thing to do.
Any Christian should be willing to serve all sinners of any kind in their business. There is a difference though when a business is supporting an event. If I owned a bakery I would have no issue serving and selling anything in my store to a homosexual couple, but if they wanted me to make a cake to celebrate their marriage, I would refuse.
As a Christian I don't feel that would be serving them at all but rather being a part of encouraging them to continue down a sinful road. It would be the same as making a cake for a husband's mistress celebrating 2 years of adultery.
So while I feel most of the law is good, I definitely don't like that they can refuse to serve them at all in a restaurant if they are gay. If that's the case then they should ban all sinners from their restaurant and then they'd go out of business.
Hopefully it is either not abused or reformed. Though honestly, I'd rather see Christians sued for refusing service than to see Christians kicking people out of their restaurant because they're sinners.
Update: A bill is now in the works to clarify that businesses will not be able to refuse service to anyone.
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