I am going to get straight to the point on this one. I really like the idea that people without the ability to pay medical bills will be able to get healthcare under Amendment 69, but what is great about it is they can get their healthcare while saving me money! It is a double win!
I did the exact figures today. Basically, Amendment 69 would cut my health insurance premium costs in half straight off the bat. And if I calculated no other savings aside from that, Amendment 69 would save me $1,360.86 a year. That alone is worth me wanting to pass this amendment.
Now when I add my deductible in (something we seem to reach every year since we have had children) plus the random copays we have to pay, my savings go up to $4,400.86. I mean, that is a life changing amount of savings. People could buy cars with the amount of savings this could bring.
The interesting thing about this is, that the lower your income, the bigger your savings.
If you want to calculate your savings, they have a website to do so. It tells you exactly how much taxes you will pay versus how much you already pay in health insurance.
This is only one of the many reasons I will definitely be marking "Yes" on Amendment 69 in November. But I plan to write more about the other reasons in days to come plus answer some of the criticism I have heard of the amendment.
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